Saturday, April 18, 2020

Caesars Rise to Power Essay Example

Caesars Rise to Power Essay Julius Caesar, probably one of Romes greatest leaders who had a life full of military and political success, was supposedly born on the 12 of July in 100 BC in Rome. He is arguably one of Romes greatest leaders because he stabilized Romes very bad political state. He refused to do anything that the dictator of Rome told him to do and decided to work as a military general. After the death of the dictator,Caesar came back to Rome and kicked off his political campaign as a prosecuting advocate who got involved in public relations and by doing this gained popularity among the people. He changed how Rome would be ruled and changed many traditions that the Romans had. Caesar had a ton of success during his military career which transferred over when he became a politician. The success in his military career included conquering more area for Rome, gaining the trust of his soldiers, and also showing the public that he cares about it, which gained their popularity, which carried him into the position where he was able to claim dictator for life without complaint. Although, along the way he made many political enemies that at first helped him gain power but then attempted to shut him down which some people might say actually did the opposite and boosted his confidence and ability to gain political positions. Then finally what he did to keep his power was make sure he had no competition and support that will last him as long as he lived. So by gaining the popularity among the people, securing his power in his political life, and using his politics which would one day hate him to boost his political power he was able to contain and maintain power. We will write a custom essay sample on Caesars Rise to Power specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Caesars Rise to Power specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Caesars Rise to Power specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Caesar first started to get the peoples attention during his military life, conquering new territories for Rome, showing off his military and leadership tactics on the battlefield, and always keeping in touch with public while doing so. This supports my topic sentence because it shows how he gained

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